A Hymn to the Son of God

A Hymn to the Son of God

So long ago, and far away

Eternal life came near.

The dead and ready-to-decay

Leaped forth and challenged fear.


Within a space where creatures fed

Their Maker took His breath;

The world recoiled with prideful dread.

His life secured their death.


Who is this child who stirred such rage,

While bringing hope to earth?

The Son’s due time had come of age

Salvation wrought this birth.


With Prophets, hope; with angels, sing;

With shepherds, run and gaze.

Like Mary, love; bow down with kings;

Let all your soul bring praise.


His name from Angels promised hope

To those long filled with strife.

His grace brought peace in boundless scope;

His death secured their life.


Forever Son, forever pledged

To take His people’s place,

The swaddling clothes warmed nature’s edge,

While sin’s debt He’d embrace.


Immutable, the Son of God

As Son of Man appeared.

The Holy One, yet tested hard,

To bring his loved ones near.


With Prophets, hope; with angels, sing;

With shepherds, run and gaze.

Like Mary, love; bow down with kings;

Let all your soul bring praise.

Tom has most recently served as the Professor of Historical Theology at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He previously taught at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School where he was Professor of Church History and Chair of the Department of Church History. Prior to that, he taught at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary. Along with numerous journal articles and scholarly papers, Dr. Nettles is the author and editor of fifteen books. Among his books are By His Grace and For His Glory; Baptists and the Bible, James Petigru Boyce: A Southern Baptist Statesman, and Living by Revealed Truth: The Life and Pastoral Theology of Charles H. Spurgeon.
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