Based loosely on the Apostles Creed
Begotten of the Father’s nature, offspring of eternal love,
Human child of Mary’s nurture was conceived from pow’r above.
One with God’s eternal being, one with us except our sin,
Opened God’s redemptive wisdom, promised mercies to begin.
Suffered under Pontius Pilate, from the cross into the grave,
This the death planned from the cradle, This the only death to save.
This the only Kin-Redeemer, purchase price was Him alone.
He the God-man, intercessor, none else could for sin atone.
From a manger of man’s making, to God’s bless’d eternal throne.
He will judge the dead and living, take the saved to be his own.
Never may we fail to worship, never may we fail to bow.
Fathomless the grace that saves us, worship ever, worship now.