Fix my heart and eyes on Thine!
What are other objects worth?
But to see Thy glory shine,
Is a heaven begun on earth:
Trifles can no longer move,
Oh, I tread on all beside,
When I feel my Saviour’s love,
And remember how He died.
Now my search is at an end,
Now my wishes rove no more.
Thus my moments I would spend—
Love, and wonder, and adore.
Jesus, source of excellence!
All Thy glorious love reveal!
Kingdoms shall not bribe me hence,
While this happiness I feel.
Take my heart, ‘tis all Thine own,
To Thy will my spirit frame;
Thou shalt reign, and Thou alone,
Over all I have, or am.
If a foolish thought shall dare
To rebel against Thy Word,
Slay it, Lord, and do not spare;
Let it feel Thy Spirit’s sword.
Making thus the Lord my choice,
I have nothing more to choose,
But to listen to Thy voice,
And my will in Thine to lose.
Thus, whatever may betide,
I shall safe and happy be;
Still content and satisfied,
Having all in having thee.