

Ben Merkle

Dr. Ben Merkle is the President of New Saint Andrew’s College in Moscow, Idaho. He holds a D.Phil. in Oriental Studies and an M.St. in Jewish Studies from Oxford University, England, a Master’s degree in English Literature, and a B.S. in Education (Secondary Education-Chemistry, with a minor in History) both from the University of Idaho. Dr. Merkle has served as a minister at Christ Church, Moscow and also a part-time campus minister with Collegiate Reformed Fellowship, a campus ministry of Christ Church. Dr. Merkle is the author of The White Horse King: The Life of Alfred the Great (Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2009) and Defending the Trinity in the Reformed Palatinate: The Elohistae (Oxford University Press 2015). He is a contributing editor and former managing editor of the periodical Credenda/Agenda. He and wife Bekah have five children.