

James M. Renihan

James M. Renihan has served as Dean of the Institute of Reformed Baptist Studies since 1998, and was recently appointed President of IRBS Theological Seminary. He has been a pastor in churches in Massachusetts, New York and California, and currently serves at Christ Reformed Baptist Church, Vista, CA. He is a graduate of Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (Ph.D.), Seminary of the East (M.Div.), Trinity Ministerial Academy, and Liberty Baptist College, (B.S.). His academic work has focused on the Second London Baptist Confession and the broader Puritan theological context from which it arose. He has been published in many journals, and is the author of multiple books including Edification and Beauty, A Toolkit for Confessions, True Love, Faith and Life for Baptists and several others. Dr. Renihan and his wife Lynne have five adult children, who all love and serve Christ, and nine grandchildren. Two of his sons are pastors of Reformed Baptist churches.