
Enthroned on the Praises of Israel

Psalm 22 is perhaps one of the most profound and far reaching psalms in the Bible. It’s a psalm that begins in the depths of great anguish and lament—and a psalm that soars to the heights of glory and praise. It is deeply personal, serving as a great help and comfort to those facing trials and opposition. And at the same time it is highly prophetic, taking us to Jesus—to the cross and into the heart of our Savior as He faced suffering and agony as He bore the sins of His people and died that we might be reconciled and brought near to God.

The psalm is filled with many profound truths that point us to Christ and Him crucified—far more than we will be able to glean in our time this morning. And so I will be focusing on one truth in particular. Verse 3 declares of God:

… you are holy, enthroned on the praises of Israel.
(Psalms 22:3)

Some translations say here: “inhabiting the praises of Israel.”

This is an amazing statement!
Our God inhabits praise!

And so the question I want to answer from this text today is—HOW?

In what way is our Sovereign God enthroned or seated on our praise?
How does a holy God draw near and inhabit the worship of His people?

Read More: Sermon Notes are available online and as a PDF download.

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