We Fear God

The church of Jesus Christ is a pillar and buttress of the truth. And that truth is under assault. What we need are Christians, and especially church leaders, who are willing to follow our Lord in resisting these satanic attacks and storming the very gates of hell in the fulfillment of our commission to make disciples. What we need—what we desperately need—is a renewed sense of the church militant and triumphant.

This presentation was given by Pastor Travis Allen on January 20, 2022 at the Founders “Militant and Triumphant: The Doctrine of the Church” national conference in Southwest Florida.

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Raised in Golden, Colo., Travis joined the military in 1988, where God regenerated him to new life and faith in Christ. Travis was educated for pastoral ministry (The College at Southeastern, B.A.; The Master’s Seminary, M.Div.), and further prepared by working at Grace to You and ministering at Grace Community Church. Travis is now the teaching pastor at Grace Church, where he equips the saints for the work of ministry. His aim is to proclaim Jesus Christ, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so he may do his part in presenting everyone mature in Christ. He met and married Melinda in 1993, and God has given them five wonderful children.
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