
David Kingdon

Born in the 1930s in London, David P. Kingdon lost his father and was ultimately evacuated during World War II. Sent to Northamptonshire, he was taught the gospel by the couple who took him in during the war. In 1944, he attended Spurgeon’s Orphanage, then Reigate Grammar School, and then Peterhouse, Cambridge to study history. Converted to Christ in 1949, he went to Spurgeon’s College after completing his history degree to train for ministry. He pastored a London church, served as college principal in Belfast, Northern Ireland, co-pastored a South African church, then served a church in Wales. He also worked as editor at theological presses. Mysterious Ways: The Providence of God in the Life of Joseph is a David P. Kingdon book that contains some of his sermons, ones that share how safe we are in the hands of our Father who always loves us.