
A Collection of Historic Baptist Documents
Edited by Mark Dever

Copyright ©2001 Center for Church Reform

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Library of Congress Card Catalog Number: 00-110552

ISBN: 0-970125-21-6

Copyeditors: Greg Gilbert and Shannon Mitchell

Cover Design/Page Composition: Bellerophon Productions

Cover Photo: Courtesy of Southern Baptist Historical Library and Archives, Nashville, Tennessee

Printed by: Sheridan Books

Printed in the United States of America


A Collection of Historic Baptist Documents


Biblical Arguments on How to Conduct Church Life

Edited by


Mark Dever

Church order and the ceremonial of religion, are less important than a new heart; and in the view of some, any laborious investigation of questions respecting them may appear to be needless and unprofitable. But we know, from the Holy Scriptures, that Christ gave commands on these subjects, and we cannot refuse to obey. Love prompts our obedience; and love prompts also the search which may be necessary to ascertain his will. Let us, therefore, prosecute the investigations which are before us, with a fervent prayer, that the Holy Spirit, who guides into all truth, may assist us to learn the will of him whom we supremely love and adore.


John Leadley Dagg

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