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Ed Litton, Southern Baptist Leaders, and Judgment Day Honesty: A Call for Accountability and Action by Southern Baptist Churches

The eighteenth-century writer, Samuel Johnson, once quipped, “Depend upon it, sir, when a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight, ...

Today on The Sword and The Trowel, Tom Ascol and Jared Longshore address #Sermongate: the recent exposing of plagiarism done in the pulpit ...
Today on The Sword and The Trowel, Tom Ascol and Jared Longshore dive into a full #SBC21 debrief. They discuss the "Be It ...
What Does Genesis 1:1 Have to Do with John 3:16?
Ours is day when the very idea that absolute truth exists is judged outmoded, offensive, and hateful. You can have your truth and ...
Today on The Sword and The Trowel, Tom Ascol and Graham Gunden discuss life in the Southern Baptist Convention. Founders was born out ...
A Call to Action for Southern Baptist Pastors

My friend and fellow pastor, Josh Buice, announced yesterday that the church he serves, Pray’s Mill Baptist on the west side of Atlanta, ...

Bindergate: An Appeal for Honesty and Integrity in the SBC

The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) has a new scandal to add to its tragically growing list. Let’s call this one “bindergate,” because a ...

Today on The Sword and The Trowel, Tom Ascol and Graham Gunden welcome Pastor Tom Buck on to the show to discuss the ...
There is No Peace

Southern Baptist elites—entity heads & those who, with them, exert major leadership in the convention—continue to operate in ways that disappoint and dispirit ...

Sermongate: Is It Still About Integrity?

I’ll never forget the fear I felt preaching to the “adults” that first time back in 1999. I was terrified at the thought ...

Five Things Concerned Southern Baptist Churches Can Do Right Now

“I left the convention disheartened by the liberalism and pragmatism of our leaders. I am praying about how to shepherd the local flock ...

The 2021 Southern Baptist Convention: What Just Happened? - Randy Starkey

Several things happened at #SBC21 and many, if not most, of them are deeply concerning to grassroots Southern Baptists who love Christ, fear ...

A Lesson from the Conservative Resurgence in the SBC: The Need for Honesty

I attended my first annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) in 1979 in Houston, Texas. I was pastoring a church 90 ...

APOSTOLICAL CHURCH POLITY William Williams Williams, William, D.C., LL.D., Professor of Ecclesiastical History, Church Government, and Pastoral Duties in the Southern Baptist Theological ...

Indices Person Index • 553 Subject Index • 559 Scripture Index • 571 PERSON INDEX A Aetius, 354 Alexander, J. W., 9 Allison, ...

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